Post-2012: What’s the hype?

This is an incomplete post salvaged from the internet archive.

-by Virginie

(Written on Sunday, 11/12/06)

I am writing from the Nairobi Natural Museum. We are waiting for the CAN (Climate Action Network) strategy meeting to begin. It is Sunday, we haven’t set foot in the Gigiri United Nations complex and I am taking this opportunity to step back for a day in order to reflect on my focus and experience thus far. Unlike my previous posts, this will be a one-pager blog, I promise. (If you are looking for an analytical policy oriented update, you are probably better off taking a look at other blogs as I hope to infuse a more personal and experiential tone to the following report.)

Looking beyond Kyoto: the post-2012 issue
Some of our readers might be wondering why many of us are particularly interested in answering the following questions: What happens in 2012—when the first commitment period of the Kyoto protocol is over? What is next, and how do we prepare for it?

Personally, my attraction for the post-2012 issue stems from what I perceive as the potential for my generation to develop a sense of ownership towards a future climate change regime. After all, we are part of the first generation to have been raised with the notion, or rather the knowledge, that humans were allowing dangerous atmospheric accumulation of greenhouse gases in the name of limitless economic growth and prosperity.

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