Tug of War for the Future

This is an incomplete post salvaged from the internet archive.

-by Michael

Representatives of the youth of the world kept rocking the demonstrations today, following up this morning’s sign event with an afternoon action. Three ropes were held on opposite ends by China, Brazil, the USA, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and the EU. Into the middle walked one of us, posing as the COP president. She grabbed the core of the webs like a boxing referee, told us to make progress, and to be sure there was no foul play. Then, “Let the negotiations begin!” Every Party pulled in their respective directions, chanting their respective themes: “Oil, Oil!” for Saudi Arabia, “I don’t care, I’ll go it alone!” from the US, “No voluntary commitments!” coming from China, and so on. Several youth stood on the sidelines with duct tape over their mouths with the word “Youth” written on the tape. After a few minutes of shouting, the youth ripped off their tape and yelled the tug-of-war to a halt. The youth declared it was time to pull together, not apart, because they were neglecting our future in favor of their self-interests. So, hand by hand, step by step, every state came together and danced in joy together in the middle. We then sang what has become the anthem of our demonstrations:

Ooooo, it’s hot in here!

There’s too much Carbon in the atmosphere!

I said, oooo, it’s hot in here!

There’s too much Carbon in the atmosphere!

Take action, take action, and get some satisfaction!

Take action, take action, and get some satisfaction!

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