Going Canadian on Article 9

This is an incomplete post salvaged from the internet archive.

-by Virginie

This week, I have been fortunate to meet with the Canadian delegation at three occasions. Also, I was able to witness a dialogue between Environmental Non-Governmental Organizations (ENGO’s) and the Canadian delegation that was somewhat fruitful and resulted in an outcome that some qualified as positive. Indeed, Canada’s moderate general stance regarding the way the review of the Kyoto protocol under article 9 should be conducted, may very well be seen as conducive to progress in the post-2012 talks.

But first, let me back track a bit and share with you some of the issues surrounding Article 9—a hot topic subtly echoing through the halls of the Gigiri complex.

Backgrounder and update on post-2012

This is an incomplete post salvaged from the internet archive.

-by Virginie

As the fourth day of negotiation began, I thought it would be useful to provide a quick backgrounder on the issue I have so far been focusing on, namely Post-2012. This will hopefully allow me to summarize my understanding of this complex and emerging aspect of the negotiations while potentially serving to whomever wishes to follow the unfolding scenario referred to as the “Post-2012” issue.

For those of you already familiar with the issue, I suggest you skip to the second section: You will find an update of the negotiations based on observations gathered in Article 3.9 related workshops, plenary, contact groups and interaction with Maltese chair Michael Zammit Cutajar.

Carbon Zero and Energy – Efficient Light Bulbs

This is an incomplete post salvaged from the internet archive.

-by Virginie

In a week, I will be flying over that big pond of the Atlantic, releasing 3.14 tonnes of carbon into the atmosphere. I too wanted to acknowledge the impact-or carbon footprint-of my air travels to Nairobi. Above all, it was a great opportunity to gain a better understanding of the workings of the carbon offset market and explore the potential of and issues associated with this purchasing practice. If you are interested in this ongoing dialogue, check out John’s “What is Offsetting” post or follow this link for a relevant article written by Erica Gies on Grist(environmental news and commentary blog): http://www.grist.org/news/maindish/2006/10/10/gies/index.html