Reactions to the People’s Summit


By Anna Odell 

After my first week in Rio, which I spent almost entirely cooped up in buildings, I was ready for a change of scenery. After spending just three days at the PrepComm in Riocentro with UN delegates and negotiators made me crave the sunlight and some fresh air. I was looking forward to feeling some sand beneath my toes and to finding some inspiration at People’s Summit. When I arrived at the People’s Summit, I was immediately struck with the impressive distance between the two spaces. Not only is there 40 km between the two (perhaps to ensure that negotiators won’t have to see the opposition to their work), there was sunlight, colors, grass, bikes, dogs, and a beach. I felt like I was entering a fair, complete with balloons and clowns. 

I had been warned to write down the schedule before attending and to bring a map; there was no visible complete list of side events, workshops, and plenaries and everything was extremely hard to find. When I arrive at the People’s Summit, there seemed to be some small improvement: there was a large map of Flamengo Park and the tents were clearly labeled. Alas, the increase in organization seemed to have stopped there. Every single workshop I attended (or tried to attend) had either been moved, was starting late, or had been cancelled. Throughout the day I grew increasingly concerned with the disorganization of the People’s Summit, and realized that without a unified, strong message, there is no way that their voices would be heard within Riocentro, let alone taken seriously. 

After the initial reactions of the differences between the People’s Summit and Riocentro, I paused to take note of the similarities. Both of the spaces sprawl across large areas, with little organization and communication. In the formal UN space, events are often closed, text must be leaked out, and rooms are often switched without notice. The People’s Summit is similar in the way that the spaces are seemingly disconnected, communication is incredibly difficult, and at times it is difficult to have any idea what is going on. If the People’s summit is to make an impact, it must get it together and raise a voice as unified civil society.

A key difference, however, between the People’s Summit and Riocentro, is the ability to express ideas and thoughts, whenever and however you feel fit. At Riocentro, an action expressing support for the 10 Year Framework of Sustainable Consumption and Production that involved about 5 people holding a poster was shut down in approximately five minutes. On the other hand, the People’s Summit is a space to express fears, disappointment, hope and rage. This is a place for people to come together and speak in a language that they can understand (primarily Portuguese), without the political jargon with hidden meanings. I was refreshed by the genuine sharing of knowledge and emotions, especially after my time in Riocentro, where real action and exchange seems to be stifled by the negotiations or lost in the vast buildings. 

My hope for the People’s Summit is that the energy created will put pressure on the negotiations and have an impact, and that the discontent of the People’s Summit will be heard within the halls of Riocentro. I hope that this will be a place for civil society to tell the world what the future they really want is. I have faith that this can happen, but only with a conscious effort and with this goal in mind. How do we make a clear message and how will that message be heard in Riocentro? 


By Maria Alejandra Escalante 

Of course, the People’s Summit and RioCentro had to be two different places. One is the gathering of people who have preferred to dedicate their efforts building relationships in an informal space. The other is the coucous of domesticated suited individuals who adapt their discourses to hidden corporate interests. We all knew that from previous civic and governmental reunions; we all expected the same dichotomy at Rio+20. 

We also know that the people’s movements at the People’s Summit could greatly be seen as an alternative proposal for the processes owned by the UN structure. By their inherent characteristics, both venues differ.  But their differentiation implies, unfortunately, that one has a greater weight in the balance of what influences society’s structures. 

The media has made the UN organization heavier. The world is expecting that the UN, precisely Rio+20, will come out with a plan for the coming years, a solution for the global crisis, at least a concern on the most pressing issues. By the world I mean all of those thousand of people who inevitably wait for the TV news to inform them of the process and the outcome of “such an important meeting”. The world is attentive to what Hillary Clinton  has to say (in representation of Obama who could not come because of …..who knows). The world does not seem to be open to receive real structural changes out of the dozen of workshops offered by NGO’s and local groups who drive projects for the wellbeing of the communities. 

Given this unbalance of influences, the People’s Summit must mobilize and express their disagreement and anger with the negotiation process. They march, they move, they yell and hope to be heard. Meanwhile, here at RioCentro, no one cares about mobilizing in disagreement with the People’s Summit principles because the ones here, at this cold halls, know the power they hold. 

The civil society at People’s Summit protests, and therefore increases the value of the UN decisions by giving this institution the attention it is craving for. The UN takes advantage in this position to escalate higher in the dreadful scale of powers. What if us, as civil society, turn our backs to the UN and their principles which have failed to represent us, and instead face one another? Would a stronger partnership between civil society members be more powerful than accepting another document of non achieved principles and commitments from the international governmental community? It might be the time to stop feeding these delegates’ ego. Their decisions can reach as far as civil society lets them. If we do not accept their unreasonable agreements then their power falls to the ground. We as civil society are already standing on the ground, we know we have alternative solutions to these global crisis. It might be time to pull the UN down from the air and bring it here, at the same level where we are standing on. 

RIO+20: Entrevista a Roberto Troya de WWF Latinoamérica y el Caribe

RIO+20: Entrevista a Roberto Troya de WWF Latinoamérica y el Caribe

No more brackets, at least for now

By Jivan Sobrinho-Wheeler

So the night before last the Brazilian government came up with a new negotiating text, and from now on they will be chairing the negotiations.  Being the host country has its perks.  The consensus seems to be that the new version isn’t terrible but it leaves out a lot of important stuff, like an Ombudperson for Future Generations.

The interesting part is that the negotiations will no longer be done by going line by line through the text.  Comments will be about concepts instead of changing language like “should” to “will” and “technology transfer” to “research into technology, innovation and science.”  This means no more brackets.  It will be up to the chair to decide what the important points of consensus or disagreement are, and to incorporate those into a new text. 

A couple people in the briefing were pretty outspoken that this was the right move.  One man said that “forgetfulness” has always played an important part in negotiations.  If a suggestion was not echoed or built upon by other delegations, it did not get written down by the chair, and thus did not make it into the new document.  But with laptops and projectors, every new suggestion gets typed in and projected for all to see.  If countries can’t agree on some language it gets put in brackets, and before long the text is chock full of square parentheses.  Going back to the way negotiations were done ten or fifteen years ago delegates to the chair the power of crafting something that will be mutually agreeable.  Negotiators register major objections instead of bickering about individual sentences.  And in this way the process moves faster. 

What are your thoughts about negotiations, the role of the chair, and brackets?   

Selling Indigenous at the People’s Summit

by Lara Shirley

I went to the People’s Summit yesterday. It was its first day, and was inaugurated by an impressively large gathering of indigenous people. It was very powerful: they were dressed in their traditional clothes and dancing. I stopped by a few hours later as well and noticed that, while there were still some events going on, many of the indigenous people had set up around the tents and started selling pieces of jewelry and trinkets. There were feathered headbands, peacock earrings, golden straw hats and wooden beaded bracelets.

This really disturbed me. My first thought was concerning how genuine the objects were: some of them looked like souvenirs that I’ve seen in places all over the world. If these products are indeed ‘genuine’ (a strange concept in itself), then how does their value – not economic, but social and cultural – change when they become souvenirs put out for sale instead of being made, earned or given?

This also occurred to me while they were dancing – there was a tremendous media flurry – but I would like to note that I don’t think that is my place to judge. I am not saying that it is bad, necessarily: I am saying that it is interesting, and merits further thought.

In all honesty, I found it fairly depressing that these people who passionately demand change and justice are still participating in the current economic system that is one of the main causes of the injustices and pain they are suffering from. Capitalism and consumerism are wreaking havoc on all parts of the world, and especially on the areas and people that are most vulnerable. But, again, I am not imposing my morals on their choices. I find it disheartening that current conditions are such that this is the choice they want to make, these people who are so strongly affected by this culture of excess and materialism.

Do not misunderstand me: I am not suggesting that everyone stop doing everything that has a bad effect because that would be incredibly naive, and also very hypocritical. At this point in time – and at almost any point in time, really – to live without negative impacts is impossible. But we should always be conscious of the implications of our actions, because they are always there. Every action has good effects and bad effects. Question everything. Just because it seems ‘good’ – because it’s sold by indigenous people, because a big NGO says so, because it has some certification sticker on it – doesn’t mean it is. The only opinion you can trust completely is your own.