Inspired by the Inspired

by Devin Altobello

I decided that to tackle a story about problem-solving climate change, it would be suitable to use the voices of my peers as narrators. Policy savvy and driven to understand and affect the system, UNFCCC, my peers make for dynamic subjects.

The global youth are demanding a paradigm shift that disrupts conventions of Wall Street thought. Being part of the youth constituency myself, I’m attracted to playing the game, tapping into the power of a united voice.

On November 28th COP 17 began and since then the gears have been set in constant motion for many of us. Two days earlier our delegation launched into COY, Conference of the Youth, a gathering designed to prepare young people to appropriately engage at COP. I was feeling directionless and overwhelmed by the scale of activity and energy, all the while knowing that the pace would soon quicken.

We are now more than half way through COP 17. There are four and a half days remaining with an anticipated substantive outcome. I have recorded actions, rallies, press briefings and delegation meetings. My goal for the next four days is to record commentary from young people explaining what they perceive and predict is happening in the negotiating space. I also intend to wake up at the crack of dawn to capture the Durban cityscape at golden-hour.

  1. Hey guys,

    I just read that China is pushing for binding emission cuts. Can you expand a little bit on the general assembly’s attitude on their request?

    Keep up the great work,


  2. COA Students

    Hi Paul,
    the reception has not been that great. For instance, Todd Stern of the US today said that China’s position had not changed. There is a lot of China bashing going on – see my previous entry “China syndrome”

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