Earth in Brackets’ address to the Co-Chairs on behalf of MGCY

We reiterate our concerns about the slow pace of the negotiations, and about the lack of urgency from Member States to express real commitment in the outcome text. We want to call attention to the 10-Year Framework of Programmes on Sustainable Consumption and Production, which could be a cornerstone achievement of Rio + 20. Member states have to be held accountable for this agreement by delivering a text that includes the CSD-19 agreement on the 10YFP on SCP as an addendum to The Future We Want. A further concern relates to the text on water issues. Member states are backtracking from existing international agreements that recognize the importance of international cooperation for water resources. 

We want to remind the Chairs that as we speak paragraphs on education and employment are being discussed. Regarding education, we would like to stress the importance of reopening the negotiations to include informal and non-formal education in the text. In addition, regarding the jobs sections, we call for green jobs to be included as an indispensable component of a sustainable economic system. 

Finally, we call for more urgency in the IFSD negotiations. There cannot be sustainable development if the right structures for governance are not in place. Participation is key for sustainable development therefore we would need to continue to commit to protect civil society participation in all proposals stemming from Rio+20.

Thank You

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