[earth] in Durban

June 16, 2:00 pm -

As we head into a new phase of negotiations, with Brazil introducing a new text in one hour, and the degree of continued major group involvement at Rio Centro unclear, here's a look back at the power youth can have – regardless of restricted areas and closed meetings.


[Earth] Durban from Devin Altobello Documentarian on Vimeo.

Engaged youth today are galvanized by questions of climate change. Each December, for the last 17 years, official delegates have convened at United Nations climate change meetings; so have thousands of youth. What happens? "[Earth] Durban," a 25-minute documentary, chronicles the life and energy of the youth presence at the most recent United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, (UNFCCC) in Durban, South Africa.

"[Earth] Durban" provides insights into the inner workings of the conference. It also offers a glimpse into the formation of new activists and negotiators, all members of the College of the Atlantic, (COA) delegation.

“Altobello went to Durban as an imbedded journalist with seven other College of the Atlantic students working for equity in climate change issues. He shot and edited a video that both illuminates the Conference of the Parties and demonstrates the engagement and wisdom of our student youth delegates,” says project advisor Nancy Andrews, COA faculty.

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