Time is running out, youth organize in Nairobi

-by Juan

With only 4 days for the closing of the UNFCCC negotiations, the North America youth delegation has doubled efforts to press for outcomes from this meeting that will safeguard help us combat climate change. Over the next 24 hrs we will be organizing a press conference, a meeting with the minister of environment of the United Kingdom, while meetings with the European Union, United States, Japan, Canada, and Uganda are also on the agenda for today. Als,o We will be organizing demonstrations, and lobbying delegates from the G77 and China, as well as collaborating with the international network of organizations members of the Climate Action Network. The UN complex looks like a beehive right now. Ministers are arriving in the next 24hrs to close the deals negotiated over the past few days. Kofi Annan, Sir Nicholas Stern, and other high level commissionaires are expected to join the High Level Plenary tomorrow, and youth are organizing demonstrations to stress the urgency of this issue to the 6000 people gathered in Nairobi. Youth are currently writing their statement to be delivered on Friday, and will continue to do everything they can to make the ministers realize they it is our future they are negotiating.

Busy days ahead of us… back to work

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